Fish Talk – Superlines

Hiya folks,

I’ve got 17 rods with me today. 16 of the 17 are spooled with superline—either a braid or a gel spun. And the reason for that is with these new superlines you can make super long distance casts because they’re so thin. They’re totally non-stretch. That means you can feel a bite at the end of your cast and you can always get a good hook set. These things are absolutely amazing.

The only thing you don’t want to do with the superline is put it directly on the spool. First, lay a foundation of monofilament or fluorocarbon line. Then take your superline, use back-to-back uni-knots and put the last quarter or the last third of the line on your reel using your new spool. That way you can spool up three times as many reels or you can keep that spool and change your line three times over the course of a year or two.

Make sure you’re using superline. Just don’t put them on the spool. Always put a foundation of monofilament first.

Happy Fish’n,Gord “The Doc” Pyzer

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