Fish Talk – Sun Protection

Hiya folks,

I want to talk about a really important subject today, and that’s skin cancer. It accounts for one of every three cancer diagnoses these days. And one out of every five Canadians is going to develop it over his or her lifespan.

Here’s the really important thing, though: We know that sunscreen with a high SPF prevents most of the skin cancers. But the doctors, the experts, they tell us we don’t put nearly enough on in order to achieve the SPF factor. How much is enough? You should fill a shot glass with sunscreen and apply it half an hour before you go fishing or go outside. And then two or three times a day, you should re-apply the same amount.

What that means is a 240 ml bottle is only going to last you eight to ten times before you need to buy a new one. You do that this year, and you’re gonna be “sun smart” every time you go fishing.

Happy Fish’n,Gord “The Doc” Pyzer

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