Fish Talk – Sight Fishing

Hiya folks,

Sight fishing “Dos and Don’ts”—that’s what I want to talk about today. One of our favourite ways to fish is actually to spot them in clear water ahead of the boat. And what we’ll do is we’ll follow those fish. Now, one of the keys, when you see fish cruising in shallow, clear water, is to make as long a cast as possible. Resist the urge to drop your bait right on top of the fish and spook it. If you do spook a fish, though, watch the direction it goes. And then follow it. Many days we’ve spent 20-25 minutes before we’ve caught a particularly big fish that we were chasing.

One more essential: polarized sunglasses. You cannot sight fish without good polarized sunglasses. And another thing to remember: Bright sunny days—sunny blue-bird days—are your absolute best. When it’s windy and overcast, it makes it hard to see into the water. So take advantage of those sunny days. Every one you get.

Happy Fish’n,Gord “The Doc” Pyzer

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