Sustainable Self-Reliant Living in the New Economy

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Self-Reliant Living

A Better Place

Economists look at the unprecedented growth of the global economy and of international trade and investment and see a promising future with more of the same. That was pre-pandemic. Things have changed now. It’s been a long time coming.

Ecologists have always seen the economy in conflict with the environment everywhere:  collapsing fisheries, shrinking forests, eroding soils, deteriorating rangelands, expanding desserts, rising carbon dioxide, falling water tables, rising temperatures, more destructive storms, melting glaciers, rising sea level, dying coral reefs, and disappearing species. The economy in many respects has been slowly destroying its support systems by consuming its endowment of natural capital.

Back in 2008, I felt a real need to simplify my life, consolidate my interests and seek a means of reaching out to the world in a manner that would, in some way, make it a better place. I moved to Haliburton with my two grown daughters and designed our home as off-grid. We now create all of our own power from a 1 kW wind turbine on a 106-foot tower and two ground-mounted solar arrays—one at 2 kW and the other at 5 kW. The systems were designed, supplied and installed by our own means—a daunting project back then, but one we are very proud of. Our home is heated with wood. We have extensive vegetable growing facilities as we continue to expand our own ideal of Self-Reliant Living. We stopped being consumers for consumer’s sake and have adopted a self-reliant lifestyle at every level that we can.

Sustainable Self-Reliant Living

I believe strongly in “Sustainable Self-Reliant Living.” I believe that by providing the tools for individuals and the communities in which they live, we can better understand and implement preparedness and thoughtful living. In doing so, I believe we can create an elevated quality of life that provides peace, comfort, and savings through sustainable resource living. I believe that Self-Reliant Living can isolate you and our communities from the consequences of pandemics, economic downturns, escalating food and energy prices, energy shortages, and even job loss.

What better time than now to consider how you can move into what will be a different world.  I read and hear so much doom and gloom about the world we are about to enter. It is easy to pay attention to that rhetoric. What is not so easy is seeing the brighter side. I know, I know—you’re going to call me pollyannaish.  I prefer to consider myself a realist. Through this time there is going to be an incredible abundance of opportunity for each of us to act out our truest values. We just have to look deeper through the media message.

Living Off-Grid: A Powerful Thing

We can recreate an economy that does not destroy its natural support systems; a global community that understands and satisfies the basic needs of all the Earth’s people. This is entirely doable. Each of us can play a part in that creation. We can start by doing small things at the local level, like planting community gardens, delivering groceries for the elderly, advocating for a living wage or just plain looking out for our neighbours.  Doing things that focus on the wellbeing of others is how change takes place. Change takes place from within.  From many local actions occurring simultaneously, positive change is created.

Consider insulating yourselves against what will be a very turbulent time as positive change battles out the old paradigm of greed economics. There will be a lot of inconvenience and disruption. Become more independent. Make your own energy. Grow and catch your own food.

Energy independence is a powerful thing. It liberates you. Living off-grid means that you are able to produce your own renewable energy to cover your unique needs and establish complete freedom. There is no feeling like it. You are able to power your entire lifestyle from natural sources.

We are passionate about being off-grid. It makes so much sense to incorporate energy independence in these uncertain times.  Make positive changes.

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