It’s time for another Fish’n Canada Poll. This time we are asking your thoughts on the new changes to Ontario’s Zone 20 Bass Season. After you vote in the poll, let us know what you think in the comments.
For more information regarding the Zone 20 Bass changes read this out this news article:
Below you will find more details on exactly how the Zone 20 Bass season has changed:
Largemouth Bass Early Season Catch and Release: January 1 to May 10 Limits: S-0 and C-0
Regular Season: Third Saturday in June to December 31 Limits: S-6 and C-2
Smallmouth Bass Early Season Catch and Release: January 1 to May 10 Limits: S-0 and C-0
Regular Season: First Saturday in July to December 31 Limits: S-6 and C-2 Aggregate bass limits apply (S-6 and C-2)