Fishing And Mental Health Go Hand In Hand

A new study out of the UK suggests a strong correlation between mental health and fishing.

For millions of people, fishing is used for relaxation and anglers have long known that the combination of fishing and relaxation in the outdoors is great for their general well-being. Now, there is proof – a joint study conducted by Anglia Ruskin University, the Tackling Minds charitable organization, and the UK’s largest tackle retailer.

Of those people who said they fished, significantly fewer stated that they suffered from anxiety disorder (16.5% versus 26.4%), had attempted suicide (7.5% versus 13.2%), and engaged in deliberate self-harm (10.4% versus 20.6%) compared to those who did not fish. The main motivators were the challenge of fishing and relaxation.

These findings can go a long way to promoting recreational fishing. Since 2021 fishing has been an approved therapeutic method (known as social prescribing) by the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK. Blue spaces (aquatic environments) have been proven to increase general well-being and mental health and this study definitely reinforces that. So if you’re feeling a little down, grab a rod, and go fishing!

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