Death of boy, in Christmas tragedy, prompts hockey-stick tributes

There comes a time when a story pops up that truly affects us all. One that when read, instantly fills you with sorrow for those affected and then makes you shutter at the thought that this could have happened to you. It was Christmas day, but the reality is, it doesn’t matter when it happened. It was a tragic day that will forever change family members, friends and an entire community where this horrific event took place.

We have posted in the past about safe ice conditions pertaining to ice fishing in hopes of preventing accidents, however anglers aren’t the only users of frozen water. People in general use iced over water ways for all sorts of winter activities such as hiking or skiing along shorelines, snowball fights in front of the cottage, mom’s, dad’s and the little ones build mini igloos to “hide-out” in and of course nothing more traditional than making natural ice rinks and strapping on the blades for some good old fashion Canadian family fun. We also enjoy motorized activities like snowmobiling and running atv’s across snow and ice-covered lakes and rivers. The perfect collaboration between Mother Nature and mankind but unfortunately, she just makes the ice, it’s up to us to determine when and where to use it safely.

Early in the winter period, ice conditions are seldom perfect and usually inconsistent at best but, when you add “crazy weather” to the equation it can become a recipe for disaster.

Sorry to carry on so long here but this story is such a tragedy that we are hoping it can become a beacon or wakeup call to all of us that love the outdoors especially in winter. The combination of ice + vehicles always has the potential of being dangerous and can sometimes have a tremendous cost, in this case the cost was a young boys life.

Our prayers go out to the family and friends of this boy and we again ask or plead with all to be EXTREMELY careful when venturing out on the ice. Remember this story whenever you have questions or doubt as to ice conditions


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