Kevin Callan’s Winter Camping Presentation: Tips, Tricks and Inspiration

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It’s about to happen out there. The shoulder season is about to end, the lakes are about to freeze, the creeks turn to slush, and the snow is about to fall. Bring it on. Because I love winter camping!  The crisp nights, the tickle of snow on your nose, the silence of it all. One of the best seasons in my opinion.

I’ve also done my fair share of winter camping; in various ways. I’ve curled up in a four-season nylon tent, entombed myself in a bivy, pitched a hammock between two trees, built a quinzee, dug a snow cave, set up a ridge tarp, and dragged a hot tent and wood stove across the snow on a freight toboggan.

Winter camping, no matter how you travel out there, or how you spend the night, is an incredible time to take in the wilderness around you.

Check out this new on-line Winter Camping Presentation I created on my KCHappyCamper YouTube channel. This time of year I usually find myself giving some tips, tricks, and inspiration for such a subject in front of a live audience. Covid has changed all that, however. So, I put something up online for everyone to watch, learn from, and get inspired from.

Enjoy. And make sure you start hauling out of storage your -30 sleeping bag, long underwear, wool hat, snowshoes, insulated booties, and especially, a positive attitude. Winter is just around the corner…and I can’t wait.

Kevin Callan

Kevin (aka The Happy Camper) is the author of 18 books; his latest being Once Around Algonquin: An Epic Canoe Journey. He is an award winning writer and a keynote speaker at outdoor events across North America. Kevin is also a regular guest on several television morning shows – including The Outdoor Journal. He has won several film awards and was listed as one of the top 100 modern-day explorers by the Canadian Geographical Society. He was also made Patron Paddler for Paddle Canada.

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